India’s First Apple Store Is Here

Author : Smith
Publish Date : April 7, 2023
Categories : Android News
Tags : Apple

The public will be able to visit Apple BKC, the first Apple store in India, in April at Jio World Drive Mall in Mumbai. One thing is certain for the Cupertino-based tech giant: global consistency in customer experience. This means that whether you visit the Apple store in New York, San Francisco, Dubai, Singapore, or even Mumbai, you can anticipate having the same experience.

The customer is Apple’s North Star at all times. Our commitment to providing exceptional service to our customers, going above and beyond their expectations, and enhancing their lives is the same no matter where we are. According to Deirdre O’Brien, Apple’s senior vice president, “Apple Stores are places where everyone is welcome, where you always get exceptional customer service and never-ending inspiration from our talented retail team members.

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